Alternative therapies are a paragliding term that covers a wide range of health care techniques and has become a growing field in healthcare. It includes energy therapy, mind-body medicine, and osteopathic manipulation etc. Alternative therapies are also referred to as complementary medicine. Acupuncture, traditional Chinese herbal medicine, chiropractic, osteopathy, and Reiki are some of the famous examples of Alternative Therapies.
Acupuncture is a philosophy of medicine that began in ancient China. This involves placing needles in specific body sections. Some claim that acupuncture can improve the health conditions of a patient effectively. Scientific research has shown that in patients undergoing chemotherapy, acupuncture can relieve pain and nausea. However, acupuncture’s inner workings remain a hypothesis of medical scientists.
Throughout East Asian countries, alternative therapy has long been valued. This methodology follows a holistic approach which recognizes the human body rather than the operation of individual organs as a complete whole. Chinese medicine also assumes a body view according to Fung Shui’s five elements— metal, wood, air, fire, and earth. Practitioners assume that diseases arise when there is no harmony inside the body between the chi of these five components.
We may choose to seek help from a chiropractor for people who suffer from chronic muscle pain that cannot be fixed by traditional medicines. Chiropractors rely on an ability called spinal manipulation to normalize the spine because they believe that a malaligned spine frequently causes structural disorders in t body. The goal of chiropractic is to help the body use its natural ability to self-heal.
Osteopathy is closely related to the chiropractic theory. Osteopathy is based on the assumption that every human being is an integrated mental, body, and spirit integration.
Reiki, a method of energy healing derived from Japanese Buddhism, is the last alternative therapy to be explored. This emphasizes relaxation that can be claimed by practitioners to facilitate body healing. This emphasizes a person’s life-force power, which is closely associated with the feeling of peace and spiritual change.
Keep in mind that since the efficacy of many alternative therapies cannot be clinically tested, do not indulge in activities that may harm the body.