Electroacupuncture is similar to acupuncture, a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) that is widely practiced. Acupuncture requires the use of thin needles to relieve specific points of stress associated with adverse symptoms. One needle is used at each treatment point in conventional acupuncture. Use two needles, electroacupuncture is a modified form.
During therapy, a slight electrical current passes between these needles. Generally speaking, this current adds more pressure to acupoints than needle twirling or other manipulation methods that an acupuncturist could use.
Your health in TCM depends on your body’s qi (energy) stream. This power is moving through unseen paths, known as meridians. These are found all over your body. Qi is thought to help stabilize the body and enhance its natural healing potential. A blocked or disrupted qi flow may have an adverse effect on physical and emotional well-being.
That’s where there’s electroacupuncture. It activates the points associated with your symptoms to help restart qi flow. Two needles are mounted around the point whereas an electrical impulse is given by a device. Electroacupuncture is designed to help increase standard acupuncture’s potential healing effects.
Electroacupuncture is a relatively new treatment, so there is little evidence to support its effectiveness for various uses. Nonetheless, a handful of studies indicate it can provide some relief from side effects of chemotherapy, inflammation, and acute (short-term) pain.