You might be asking if you require Massage Therapist Insurance Australia as a massage wellness facility. Perhaps you work at a massage parlour and your employer has an all-encompassing business insurance policy in place for staff.
Perhaps you own the massage parlour and are wondering what kind of Massage Therapist Insurance Australia you need to safeguard your business, your staff, and yourself as a small business owner.
The short answer is yes, you will need Professional Indemnity insurance for natural therapist in both cases—as an individual employee and as an employer. Due to the nature of their work, massage therapists, like all other health practitioners, have a high level of inherent liability. You’ll learn about the different forms of insurance you need and why you need them in the sections below.
You may have a hunch as to why you require Natural therapist insurance. It’s the same reason that any small business needs insurance: individuals make mistakes, accidents happen, and unavoidable catastrophes are just that.
Various types of insurance will keep you covered, to differing degrees, depending on the situation. For example, if a client slips and falls on your property and injures themselves, a general liability coverage (described below) will protect you.
You’d need a professional liability policy if that same customer couldn’t walk for a week because their deep tissue massage left them in too much pain to leave the house.
As a reminder, people are still people. Mistakes are bound to occur. Accidents are bound to happen. It’s preferable to be safe in these situations.
At the end of the day, you want to be confident in your work. You can’t do your best work if you’re scared that one blunder, one lousy piece of advice, or one subpar treatment will put your firm out of business.
We provide this coverage and more at WAFCP. Contact us today to learn more about what is covered by massage insurance and how you may continue your business with confidence and insurance.