Breast Imaging Australia- Know the facts

Breast Imaging Australia- Know the facts

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In the last decade, or so, breast imaging Australia has come a very long way. There are a variety of imaging modalities that are used to scan the breasts, or to diagnose suspected abnormalities.

This breast imaging Australia falls into two categories. Screening is performed early to detect anomalies or areas of concern before they can be felt on clinical examination. Diagnostic imaging is conducted to examine and diagnose anomalies found wither by clinical evaluation, breast self-examination, or screening.


The first line in breast imaging is mammography. Using x-rays, it can show changes up to two years before a lump can be felt. Digital mammography is the most up-to-date type of this modality, allowing radiation exposure to be greatly reduced and the image quality to be greatly improved.


Breast ultrasound is a standard follow-up test that is used after mammogram to determine detected or not visualized anomalies on mammogram but clinically felt. Ultrasound will also be used to allow biopsy where possible.

Breast MRI

Has no radiation or x-rays, MRI offers a very different view of the breast than other imaging techniques do. This is also useful in screening people who are known to be at high risk for cancer, especially in those who are younger and thus have more dense tissue. This MRI is also an extremely valuable method for rupture or leakage evaluation of breast implants.


PET scans are used when cancer is present in the breast. It enables the physician to measure metabolic changes in the cancer tissue long before a tumour has fully formed and can be felt. Measuring the spread of cancer and how well it can react to treatment is important.

Any transition needs prompt attention. Australian residents are expected to obtain the very best screening and medical services available anywhere in Australia by complementary therapy practitioner Australia with these specialized diagnostic imaging facilities at hand.

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