Frequently Asked Question

The World Association For Complementary Practitioners (WAFCP) provides professional membership and insurance for the practitioners of the complementary and natural therapies Australia wide and internationally. We abide the countries legislation’s and law for providing our services to the new members. We also are not like some traditional associations that only cover one or two modalities. WAFCP act as a professional body in most of the natural therapy modalities.
  • Firstly, every health practitioner, natural therapist after graduation needs to be a member of a professional association or body. This makes them stand as a professional practitioner or therapist in the industry.
  • Joining the professional body like WAFCP giving you credit as a professional therapist or practitioner as well. When you display the WAFCP membership certificate in your workplace, it will indicate the practitioner is a member in one of the Australian professional bodies and practicing professionally.
  • You can also use the WAFCP logo in your advertising materials
  • You can purchase Preferential Insurance Rates for your business from the WAFCP Insurer the BizCover
  • You can also Click On The Membership Page to get the membership types and some other benefits
  • Premier Membership: $149pa
  • Advance Membership: $109pa
  • Student Membership: $30pa
  • Corporate Membership: $149pa

The 10% GST will be added up to the above prices.

The WAFCP membership provides a variety of the benefits. You can click on the Membership Page to get the membership options and benefits.

After receiving your documents, membership application form, and membership fee, the WAFCP will precede your application and will confirm your approval within 2-3 business days, sometimes 1-2 business days.

We will send you the Membership certificate and you can apply the insurance through our insurer the BizCover.

Note: The membership starting date is from the date you are paying the membership fee.

  1. Choose your membership option (Student Membership is for practitioners currently studying. Advance Membership and Premier Membership are for qualified practitioners and therapists. Corporate Membership is for a group of 3 business partners and staff)
  2. Attach your certificate
  3. Pay the membership fee
  4. WAFCP proceeds and confirm your approval within 1-3 business days.
You need to update your membership and insurance. Please, let us know to add your new therapy to your current membership option free of charge. You will also need to confirm our insurer the BizCover for adding up that therapy to your insurance policy.
Yes. The WAFCP welcomes the applicant and practitioners in holistic healing, complementary, and natural therapies that apply the WAFCP membership from overseas.
If are a member in other associations and you would like to sign up with the WAFCP, we offer you 16 months membership for the price of 1 year.
You will sign up with the WAFCP for your membership registration certificate and then you can contact our insurers in BizCover as a WAFCP member to take benefit of the BizCover preferential insurance rates.
WAFCP business registered as an association, but it acts as a professional body in most of complementary and natural therapies. We don’t offer provider number of private health insurance, which only covers some of the therapies under specific circumstances.
  1. Relevant qualifications under the category of the modality list on the WAFCP  website.
  2. Qualifications obtained in some specific hours of education, e.g. Short courses, long version courses, and etc.
  3. Qualifications achieved through the online training courses.
  4. Overseas qualifications and certificates with proof of studying.
  1. Translate and approve your international certificate/s
  2. Submit it to the WAFCP
  3. WAFCP will check the certificate with your institute
  4. Upon successful verification, WAFCP accepts you as a member.
Yes. The WAFCP welcomes the applicant and practitioners in holistic healing, complementary, and natural therapies that apply the WAFCP membership from overseas. We abide the natural therapy legislation in your country of residence.
The insurance cover will be varying e.g. public liability insurance, professional indemnity insurance, product liability insurance, and etc. In order to gain the right information you can contact our insurer the Bizcover. Don’t forget to take benefit of the Bizcover discounted rates through the WAFCP website.

The therapies that are not in the modality list of the WAFCP can be accepted as follows;

  1. E.g. If you are a nail practitioner, but your therapy maybe is not in our modality list, we can accept your therapy under the category of beauty therapy, but you can obtain membership and insurance for the nail therapy as you are qualified in it.
  2. If you would like to introduce your therapy to the list of WAFCP, you can submit your therapy details and overview to the WAFCP for obtaining endorsement of your therapy. We will proceed and assess your modality for WAFCP membership, or BizCover insurance, and if you would like to become a WAFCP institute of training, we can endorse your therapy for your teaching classes and workshops.
You can request WAFCP for approval of your modality. You can submit the new modality application for proceeding and assessing your modality for membership and insurance, and endorsed training institute status.
Yes. You can obtain the student membership certificate of the WAFCP and can apply for student insurance through our insurers Bizcover. Don’t forget to take benefit of the Bizcover discounted rates through the WAFCP website
The WAFCP doesn’t have the policy of the CPE or CPD. We provide you the membership each year in the therapy you are qualified and according the WAFCP standards. However, the WAFCP members always best to update their knowledge in the therapy they practice.
The WAFCP doesn’t have the policy of the CPE or CPD. We provide you the membership each year in the therapy you are qualified and according the WAFCP standards. However, the WAFCP members always best to update their knowledge in the therapy they practice.
The insurance cover will be varying e.g. public liability insurance, professional indemnity insurance, product liability insurance, and etc. In order to gain the right information you can contact our insurer the BizCover.
WAFCP 2-3 weeks before your membership expiry date will send you the confirmation email as well as contact you in order to remember the due date for updating your membership.Also, if you have been registered as a WAFCP member the time of applying for the insurance, in order to renew your insurance policy, our insurer might directly or in the application forms ask your updated membership.
Yes. WAFCP provides you a discounted membership after 3 years of being a member of the WAFCP.
Yes. Firstly, WAFCP appreciate your trust for introducing other practitioners, and we welcome the new members. If you are a Student Member or Advance Member in WAFCP, we will consider $10 Bonus Commission for you. If you are a Premier Member of the WAFCP, we will consider $15 Bonus Commission. Also, the Premier Member after introducing 4th practitioners to the WAFCP, will receive the Super Stars Bonus Fee which is $100.