Most Important Aspect of Holistic Healing Therapy and Its Practice

Most Important Aspect of Holistic Healing Therapy and Its Practice

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Perhaps the most important aspect of holistic healing or self-treatment and one of the reasons it’s on the way up is its obligation viewpoint. People who practice fewer holistic modalities of treatment in their approach tend to see illness and disease as issues that just happen to people. It also does not make the number one priority one, or cure the underlying causes of the problems.

The first or only goal is instead to mitigate or conceal the unpleasant symptoms. The main concern in holistic healing therapy is to look for the root causes of the health challenges that are taking place. And this quest for root causes of healing is intimately connected with assuming responsibility. One of the fundamental principles involved for those who want to cure themselves is that the symptoms are merely indicators of a broader, greater, more systemic threat to the dignity of living systems and species.

Accountability isn’t about blame. Responsibility means recognizing that our perceptions are our own. That there is an undeniable fact that we at the core of our interactions are ourselves! We are like the sun at the centre of our life’s solar system, so if we experience spiritual healing, we will have to take responsibility for the fact that all we feel revolves around us. We are the thing that attracts our encounters to us, and so we ultimately find answers to our problems within ourselves. To self-healing we are the common denominator. In our worlds we are at source.

And so the most important factor at the heart of this quest is the discovery and cure of those things for which we have rejected, silenced, forgotten, fought, despised, and despaired. And so we get to look in the eyes of our own hearts by taking the insight and exposing ourselves to the realities that we would rather not see.

And in that look we have a profound choice, the choice that makes all the difference between experiencing holistic healing so experiencing sickness till death, choosing Love or choosing the delusions of separation and fear. Loving is the force of deep connection, and ultimately deep healing.

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