Need of Professional Membership & Insurance in the Massage Industry

Need of Professional Membership & Insurance in the Massage Industry

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Some may disagree, but the number of claims is both startling and growing, so if you don’t carry public liability insurance, you’re taking a tremendous risk, even if you merely provide moderate relaxation massage. People nowadays sue you for everything and everything. It’s far better to be insured with Professional Membership and Insurance and have peace of mind.

You are insured and protected with Professional Membership and insurance as a massage therapist for any modality or treatment for which you have received training. Manipulation is not covered unless you are a manipulative therapist with the necessary qualifications.

In summary, you must always work within the parameters of what you’ve been taught, provide evidence that you’ve gotten training for the therapy you’re performing, and you’ll be covered. You run the danger of injuring yourself and not being insured with massage therapist insurance Australia if you go outside the bounds or don’t have proof of instruction.

If you want to be professional, you must conduct yourself professionally at all times. By joining the natural therapy association worldwide and displaying your membership certificate on your wall, you can assure your clients that you are a member of a reputable organisation, as well as take advantage of the low-cost public liability insurance. Even if you provide mobile massage, you should have a folder to show your client before the treatment.

On the first page, you’d insert your membership certificate, followed by your massage certificates or duplicates of them. We encourage that you fill out the rest of the folder with information such as the Unregistered Practitioners Code of Conduct, which you must follow, and client testimonials. This goes a long way toward putting the person at ease before the massage even begins.

Please visit the WAFCP website at for additional information on membership and insurance.

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